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Sleuth Astrid: The Mind Reading Chook

Hazel Edwards; Jane Connory
Hazel Edwards
Sleuth Astrid 1

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Sleuth Astrid is a hi-tech chook, who rides a Harley, plays e-games and finds lost things.
The Magician has lost his sense of humour. Astrid must find that before the 3pm show. Luckily, Astrid is also a mind-reading chook.

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Sleuth Astrid: Lost Voice of the Grand Final

Hazel Edwards; Jane Connory
Hazel Edwards
Sleuth Astrid 2

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It was the Grand Final on Saturday. Carrot the Parrot was the Coach for the Birds' team. But he'd lost his voice. Sleuth Astrid had to find it, in time for the Grand Final because the team needed the Voice of the Coach. Was the Voice captured in the TV 'Footy' studio? Lost down his throat? Was a Voice Coach any use? What about the Speakeasy? Or the Voice-over on the TV Footy panel or on Talk-back? And then there's the Bird Wedding of the Year. Carrot was supposed to be the MC (Master of Ceremonies). As usual, Sleuth Astrid the Mind-Reading Chook, solves the problem.


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